Hardware Reviews : Chips/Expansion


The Apollo 620 ovrrides the internal 68000 chipon an A600 motherboard, replacing it with a 68020 CPu and 68882 FPU running at 25MHz. The unit also takes additional RAM via 72-pin SIMMS (up to 8Mb).

The only real problem is the difficult internal fixing of the unit (it has to be positioned over the eisting 68000 and glued into position). However, it does speed-up the A6OO seven-fold, making it faster than an A12OO and is definately great value. At last the A6OO becomes a usable machine for memory-intensive programs, including 3-D.

  • �14O - OMb
  • �26O - 4Mb
  • �37O - 8Mb

Visage (Tel- 0115 964 2428)